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Shopping for a Turbine
Welcome to Swiwin USA. We offer a wide range of high-performance turbines for RC plane enthusiasts.
We have been the business since 1999.
If you're looking for a turbine that provides exceptional power and performance, then Swiwin is a good choice.
Turbines have grown in popularity over the years. Microturbines originated in the 90s and became very popular replacing older ducted fans.
A turbine functions on the principle of moving air via a front compressor. Air is forced via the compressor into a combustion chamber where it is mixed with fuel and ignited. The expanding gases flow out the back of the turbine where this contacts the turbine wheel. The turbine wheel can be thought of as a fan. As the rear wheel turns faster, the shaft which is coupled to compressor spins the compressor faster which in turn results in an exponential increase in air flow. A control module referred to as an Engine Control Unit (ECU) is responsible for managing fuel flow to the turbine.
The excitement associated with turbines is that they offer a very rich weight to output ratio. Typical microturbines turbines weight 8oz to over 20 pounds and output from 3 pounds to over 500 pounds of thrust. The other phenomenon is that a turbine always outputs the same amount of thrust regardless of how fast it is traveling as opposed to propellers and ducted fans which begin to plateau depending on the airspeed.
The sound of a turbine is unique and tends to mesmerize bystanders. Since turbine jets are moving at incredible speeds, the sound effect as the plane travels past us produces some incredible audible effects similar to rockets because of the speed which the craft is moving in relation to the sound which is traveling toward us.
One thing to consider when shopping for a turbine is reliability. The other thing to keep in mind is availability of services. Everything breaks sooner or later and getting the needed support when things do go wrong, is crucial. At CRX Swiwin USA, we pride ourselves on offering seamless, all day, every day support of every turbine that we sell.